Thursday, April 19, 2012

Presentation - Burgesville

“Good Evening everyone. I’m Jason Krul and this is my wife Wilhelmina.”

Suddenly a small figure pushes his way through the crowd to the podium. Standing on tip toes so all can see, he adds in a small raspy voice; “And I’m Jayden!” A ripple of laughter breaks out as I quickly make my way over to him and grab his hand.

“You need to sit down over there!” I whisper in his ear.

“But Mom, I want to talk too..” he whines, his voice barely audible now. Being diagnosed yesterday with laryngitis-bronchitis his voice is almost gone. I find a spot for him on a chair upfront and then join Jason again. Just in time too, since now it’s my turn to talk.

Today is Tuesday, April 17 and after a busy day debriefing at the MAF office in Guelph, we have just begun our first presentation in our whirl wind tour of Eastern Canada and the US.

As the familiar pictures of Haiti appear on the pull down screen I abandon my notes and simply talk. This is our life. This is the country and people we’ve come to love. I don’t need notes.

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