Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

I ease off the couch and walk towards the window. Pushing the sheer curtain aside I peer into the darkness; waiting. It doesn't take long before the welcoming lights of the MAF van appears. Signalling, it turns and pulls into the driveway. They're back!

Smiling I head to the front door. Jason and Jayden enter a minute later, laden with Chinese takeout. Yum! Leaving their coats and shoes in the hallway they carry the bags to the kitchen counter.

In the dining room the table has already been set. Lighted candles illuminate the room with their soft cheery glow.

Sitting down together we bow our heads and pray, thanking God for His blessings.

The food is delicious and after dividing it up all three of us dig in. It's so nice being together as a family again! What better way to spend Valentine's day then a quiet, candlelight dinner with my two favourite boys?

Once supper is over Jason melts chocolate while Jayden and I wash strawberries. Strawberries dipped in chocolate makes a perfect Valentine's dessert!

After dinner, Jason readies Jayden for bed.

Quiet reigns. Snuggling with my husband on the couch I close my eyes for a moment. Contentment.

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