Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sewing Classes!

I pull my hair away from my face and secure it into a tight pony tail. Long, loose hair is just too hot, and a pony tail feels much better. I survey my sewing class and smile at the girls putting the finishing touches on their projects. I can't believe how fast time has gone! I've already taught 9, 2 hour sewing classes in three weeks and today is the last class. The girls hope to start school on Monday and won't have time for sewing again till Christmas. I help Katiana sew the last seam on her skirt and then help Isguerda finish her pillow. "Everyone done?" I question. I'm greeted with a chorus of nods! "Time for pictures then!" Some girls go and change into their new skirts while others line up to get their pictures taken with their new pillows!

Here is 13 year old Renise, posing with her new skirt!

Katiana with her pillow.

15 year old Cherlye with her new skirt!

Kaitana again with her new skirt!

Phara with her pillow.

Cherlye with her heart shaped pillow! Very creative!

Looking back at the photos now I realize I don't have any pictures of Mikerline's pillow and skirt, since she was finished a few classes ago all ready. That's too bad! I really enjoyed teaching sewing classes and getting to know the girls there. I also look forward to volunteering more at the orphanage in the future. However my next few weeks will be busy teaching after school swimming lessons to the neighborhood kids here and I look forward to doing that as well. So don't forget to check back here for swimming lesson pictures next week!


Mom said...

While Will we are very proud of you. You did a awesome job teaching the girls, I would of loved to be there and helped you. God is also using you in different ways that you would of never thought of. Keep up the good work and all the best with the swimming lessons, looking forward in seeing some picture. Oma was also proud of you (Oma Krul)
Love Mom

Lena Odie said...

Thats great, that you have been taking the opportunities with the skills you have to bless the Haitian people!
What an encouragement, Will!!
Praying for you all!!