(Below is a copy of a letter that has been recently sent out via email and air mail to those on our mailing list. If we've missed you somehow or you would like to join our mailing list please email us at jwkrul@gmail.com)
Dear Family
and Friends
We want to
begin by thanking you for your prayers and support over the years that we have
served with MAF in Haiti. We truly serve a God of abundant provision!
Through you
God has enabled us to fill an important role in Haiti through MAF. This past
year alone I flew over 48,650 Miles, 77,000 lbs of cargo and relief supplies,
and 1,500 passengers including many national pastors, teachers, and work teams!
Following the 2010 earthquake which struck Haiti, and the subsequent cholera
outbreak, MAF has been a key player in providing relief supplies, medicine,
food, and shelter. Additionally, through the support of MAF as well as numerous
work teams, we have been able to build 77 homes for earthquake victims!
As some of
you may know our second term with MAF is coming to an end this summer. We are
thankful to share that there have been many positive changes in Haiti recently.
We have witnessed both improvements in Haiti's infrastructure, as well as the
addition of air ambulance helicopters.
these improvements, Haiti still has many other serious needs that include lack
of food and clean drinking water, lack of good medical and dental care and
spiritual darkness due to the influence of voodoo and witchcraft.
As we have
been re-evaluating our role here, we’ve been actively praying and seeking
will on how to minister to the needs of others most effectively. Over and
above flying, our true passion has been strengthening and enabling key mission
partners in Haiti by connecting them with individuals/groups in North America
thereby increasing their ministry effectiveness.
3:5-6 has been a great comfort and encouragement to us during this time. Trust
in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
How could
we further utilize the skills God has given us to serve others?
Well, in
the last few months God has clearly opened doors for us to work with a mission
organization called Hungry for Life. The role of this organization is to
strengthen missions on the ground to enable them to fulfill their mission more
efficiently and effectively.
They also
facilitate relationships between groups and churches and missions to help
alleviate suffering in poor areas and demonstrate God’s love through projects
of compassion.
My role
will initially be as a Missions Consultant, as well as Project Manager for
several of the field partners HFL works with in Haiti. This will allow us to
continue to build closer relationships with the Mission partners we’ve been
working with during our time with MAF.
For this
role our family will transition to Chilliwack, BC, where the Hungry for Life
office is based. We will still be required to raise support in this role, and
we hope to meet with you and share more details about our new role at the end
of the summer when we transition out of MAF and into HFL, God willing. We
appreciate your continued financial support with MAF until we transition and
hope that you will consider supporting our work with Hungry for Life when the
time comes. At the same time we can also appreciate that you may want to
continue supporting MAF in some capacity as well.
position will require me to travel to Haiti and other developing countries
throughout the year. I will also be able to continue to work with groups and
teams wanting to serve in places of suffering and need.
As for
flying, I plan to keep my licenses current and we are open to working with MAF
elsewhere in the future if God wills.
We’ve very
much appreciated your care and support over the years. Please keep us in your
prayers as there will be much mixed emotions as we face a time of many changes
and transitions.
Jason, Will and boys